Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Looking For a Single Block

One of the guilds I belong to meets at the Welcome Center of a subdivision near me. There is a huge fireplace in the conference room, and they like to display quilts along both sides.  It's really very nice, but some felt it was too public, and not secure, and someone might walk away with loaner quilts.  Not good.  So they asked each guild member to make a couple of large blocks that would be incorporated into four or five quilts that could be changed out in different seasons. 

Are you familiar with Marcia Hohn's website, ?  She has every block you can think of, and you can search her website to find just what you need, and she has designed many herself.  So when you're stuck, need inspiration, or can't find what you're looking for anywhere else, check it out!  As many books, magazines and patterns that I have, I still go there pretty often.

Anyway, back to the block I wanted to make. I decided to make a 15" block and picked this one, called the Milky Way, with minor changes.  I think it will look great with other blocks in patriotic colors, don't you?  By the way, the points at the top are cut off by the photographer (me), not by the quilter (me). 

And here's the second block I made for one of the quilts.  I love the colors!  

Enjoy the day!

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